Skinny Shots
The Lipo-B injection (Skinny Shots) contains a combination of compounds that have been shown to exhibit lipotropic effects. These effects help facilitate fat-burning, which can help with weight loss. These injections are typically used as fat loss supplements, in combination with diet and exercise, in weight loss plans. The combination of products that make up the Lipo-B injection are methionine, choline, and cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12).
Methionine- Methionine is a sulfur-containing amino acid. Additionally, it is one of the 9. Essential amino acids in the human body. Methionine serves several key roles in the human body such as:
Aiding in the production of critical hormones and proteins
Helps lower cholesterol levels
Aids in development of hair and nail growth
helps rid the body of heavy metals such as mercury
provides protection against liver toxins
Lipo-B injections are not appropriate for individuals with sulfa allergies.
Choline- Choline is an essential nutrient that plays a key role in a number of metabolic pathways in the human body. Some functions that choline serves in the body are:
Help maintain cell membrane integrity
Assists in production of neurotransmitters
Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12)- Essential for cellular energy production as well as DNA synthesis. It is an essential water-soluble vitamin and must be obtained from food or as a dietary supplement.
​This compounded medication is not FDA approved.